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About Ted Tjaden
CLE Papers
Lawyers are ethically bound to
stay current with legal developments through
continuing legal education (CLE). In some
jurisdictions, CLE is mandatory. The papers presented
at CLE seminars are usually a good source of practical
legal research, often on important new cases or
legislation or other practice developments.
The best way to find CLE papers is
using the Canadian
Legal Symposia Index (CLSI) on Lexis+ Canada.
This database indexes CLE papers from 1986 to current,
although it tends to emphasize seminars from Ontario
(which is understandable due to Ontario having the
largest population of lawyers). However, CLSI is only
an index containing information about the seminar
with listing of all of the author/presenters and
the titles of their papers – the full-text of
the papers is not provided.
If you do not have access to the
CLSI, you can consider the following options:
- LSO AccessCLE: The Law
Society of Ontario has thousands of CLE papers
presented at seminars sponsored by the law society
available on this site, from circa 2004 to current.
Papers older than 18 months are freely available.
For more recent papers, you will be able to read the
articles for free but need to pay for them if you
want to print or save them. Topics of papers cover
administrative law, business, civil litigation,
criminal, employment/labour, environmental,
estates/trusts, family, immigration, insurance law,
intellectual property, paralegals, practice
management, and real estate.
- CLEBC Online:
This is an extensive database of PDF copies of all
CLE papers presented from 2001 to current at
seminars sponsored by the Continuing Legal Education
Society of British Columbia (subscription required).
- Other CLE providers: There
are a number of other "private sector" or
bar-affiliated providers of CLE seminars whose
websites listed below may provide information about
CLE papers:

Research and Writing:
4th Edition
by Ted Tjaden
Softcover 512
Published: January 2016
Paperback: 978-1-55221-414-5
e-book: 978-1-55221-415-2
Purchase here
Irwin Law: Canadian
Online Legal Dictionary (click here)