Law Journals
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Legal Writing
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About Ted Tjaden
About Ted Tjaden
I am a lawyer and law librarian with
experience in legal research and knowledge management.
Law-related publications
Books / Chapters / Major Works
(most recent first)
- The Law of Independent Legal
Advice, 3rd ed (Toronto: Carswell, 2021).
- Causes of Action, Defences
and Remedies in Canada (2019 to current)
(Westlaw Edge Canada)
(overview here from Thomson Reuters)
(login here for subscribers).
This is an "online only" database I created on Westlaw Edge Canada
that provides detailed commentary and model
precedent and factum language for all of the major
contract, tort and equitable causes of action,
defences, and remedies. In 2023, I added guides on
appeals (security for costs on appeal, fresh or
new evidence on appeal, leave to appeal, standards
of review on appeal, and judicial review of
administrative action) and remedies (anti-suit
injunctions, Anton Piller orders [civil search and
seizure], Norwich Orders [pre-action discovery],
Mareva injunctions [freezing of assets], and the
interim recovery or preservation of property).
This database is loosely modeled on Causes of Action, 2d
(also available here by subscription on
Westlaw USA) and is licensed as a separate paid
module on LawSource on Westlaw Edge Canada
that I regularly update, with each topic or
"article" containing 4 major sections:
- Commentary: Section
1 of each article includes an overview of the
cause of action, defence or remedy, along with
commentary on leading jurisprudence,
applicable federal and common-law provincial
and territorial legislation (including
applicable rules of court), limitation
periods, burdens of proof, remedies,
availability of summary judgment and relevant
summary judgment jurisprudence, costs,
practice tips, and a list of related topics.
- Model pleading and
factum language: Section 2 of each
article contains model language to plead the
particular cause of action, defence or remedy
along with model factum language to argue
issues relating to that topic.
- Practice checklists:
Section 3 of each article includes practice
checklists and model examination for discovery
questions and strategies when litigating
issues involving the particular article topic.
- Research references:
Section 4 of each article contains a list of
all relevant Canadian, British, and American
treatises for the topic, along with a list of
all relevant academic and CLE journal
articles, links to the relevant commentary
from the Canadian Encyclopedic Digest
and the major American encyclopedias on
Westlaw USA, links to applicable Westlaw
Edge Canada Legal Memoranda, and
references to all applicable Canadian
Abridgment case digests and American
West Digest case digests.
Also included are separate articles on:
- Pleadings more generally
(including statements of claim, statements of
defence and counterclaims, third party claims,
applications and motions, factums, orders and
judgments, and costs).
- A separate list of leading
Canadian legal treatises organized into 48
- A short guide to legal
research useful for training articling
students and new lawyers.
- University of Toronto, Faculty
of Law (Fall 2005), LL.M. Thesis: Access to
Law-Related Information in Canada in the Digital
Age. Available online:
Articles / Presentations (most
recent first)
- Substantive Law Webinar
Series for the Canadian Association of Law
Libraries (CALL): I conducted six webinars
(1.5 hours each) covering the substantive law
courses from the typical Canadian first-year law
school curriculum, being the following subjects:
- Civil Procedure (20 March
- Tort Law (30 October 2014)
- Contract Law (9 December
- Constitutional Law (12
February 2015)
- Real/Personal Property Law
(21 April 2015)
- Criminal Law (18 June 2015)
Archived versions of these
six webinars are available here on
the CALL website (for members of CALL, password
- "The Impact of Hryniak v
Maudlin on Summary Judgments in Canada One
Year Later" (2015) 44 Adv Q 85 (with Matthew
- 24 January 2013: "Leveraging
Your Document Management System for Precedents" in
Leveraging Technology to Reach New Heights:
E-Discovery, Smart Phones & Tablets, and
Document Management Systems (DMS) (Toronto:
Toronto Lawyers Association, 2013).
- Regular contributor to SLAW
(law and technology blog) (www.slaw.ca)
(see an archive of my posts here,
- March 2011: "Legal Project
Management for Law Librarians: Are You on Board?"
(March 2011) 16:5 AALL Spectrum 14.
- 13 October 2011: "International
and Foreign Legal Research" in Advanced Legal
Research (LESA: Calgary).
- 5 October 2011: "International
and Foreign Legal Research" in Advanced Legal
Research (LESA: Edmonton).
- 25 February 2009: "Risk &
Innovation: Aligning Technology with Explicit
Business Goals" in Best Practices &
Management Strategies for Law Firm Library &
Information Service Centers (Ark Group, New
- 2 March 2007: "Computer
Research: Getting the Most Bang for your Buck: The
Top Twenty Tips for Ontario Solo and Small firm
Lawyers" (with Jeanette Bosschart) in LSUC 2nd
Annual Solo and Small Firm Conference and Expo (LSUC,
- 12 May 2006: "Top Twenty
Internet and Technology Tips for Ontario Solo and
Small Firm Lawyers (in Twenty Minutes)" in LSUC
Solo and Small Firm Conference and Expo (LSUC,
- "Canadian Top 40: What You Need
to Know About Canada’s Legal System" (March 2005)
9:5 AALL Spectrum 10.
- 12 November 2004: "Top Tools
for Research and Fact Finding on the Internet" in
OBA/LSUC Technology for Lawyers 2004
(Toronto: Ontario Bar Association, 2004).
- 26 May 2004: Presented paper:
"The Best Online Sources for International and
Foreign Law" in You’ve Got the Whole World in
Your Hands: Using the Internet to Expand the
Boundaries of Legal Research (Toronto:
Ontario Bar Association, 2004).
- Case Comment: "Fair Dealing
Clarified: A Case Comment on the Supreme Court of
Canada Decision in CCH Canadian Ltd v Law
Society of Upper Canada" (15 April 2004).
- 28 November 2003: "Effective
Use of Online Resources for Legal Research" in OBA/
LSUC Technology for Lawyers 2003 Conference –
Electronic Research: Get Caught in the Web
- 23 May 2002: "Finding Case Law
and Legislation on the Internet" at OBA
Conference, Where do I Find That? Internet Legal
Research 2002 (Toronto).
- December 7, 2000: "How Real is
Virtual? Authentication and Reliability of
Information on the Internet" at The Web – The
Future of Legal Research? (Lorman: Toronto).
- "How to Overcome Your Online
Research Fears" (The Lawyers Weekly) (4
February 2000).
I am the owner of Classic
Ragtime Piano where I have tried to improve
access to public domain, pre-1928 ragtime sheet music,
including sheet music from my own collection.
I have recently
started to play the Brazilian tango or choro music
Ernesto Nazareth.
You can get PDF copies of Nazareth's sheet music
here, for free (click on the title of the
individual song title; it is not obvious at first).
Last updated:
January 2025
| Legal / Terms
of Use | Ted
Tjaden © 2010-2025

Research and Writing:
4th Edition
by Ted Tjaden
Softcover 512
Published: January 2016
Paperback: 978-1-55221-414-5
e-book: 978-1-55221-415-2
Purchase here
Irwin Law: Canadian
Online Legal Dictionary (click here)