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Teaching Legal Research and Writing
This page sets out
the following resources on teaching legal research
and writing (LRW):
For visual
learners, there are a number of online video
tutorials talking about legal research and writing
or explaining how to use a particular database:
General LRW Video Tutorials
Vendor-specific Video
Tutorials (A to Z)
In addition, the
following legal research and writing DVD is
available for purchase:
There are a number of journals
that often include articles on legal research and
There are also a number of
newsletters focusing on legal research and
In addition, there is no lack of
journal literature on teaching legal research and
writing. Set out below is a selected list of
recent articles (for a list of some of the older,
classic journals articles on LRW, see the articles
in note 1 in Chapter 1 of
my book):
- Sarah Sutherland,
"Exploration of Attributes Associated With User
Behaviour in Online Legal Research" (2020) 45:2 Can L Libr Rev 10.
- Jonathan De Vries, "Legal
Research, Legal Reasoning and Precedent in
Canada in the Digital Age" (Feb. 2018) 48 Adv Q
- Svetlana Kochkina, "Teaching
Legal Research and Government / Legal
Information: Yes, We Do It, But How?" (2018) 43:3 Can L Libr Rev 9.
- Guillaume Laganière, "Beyond
the Textbook: Assessing the Value of Scholarship
in Undergraduate Legal Education" (2017) 48 Ottawa L Rev 391.
- Benjamin Alarie et al,
"Computational Legal Research and the Advocates
of the Future" (Winter 2017) 36:3 Adv Soc J 12.
- Mark Gannage, "Who Cares
About Legal Research? An Update" (Nov 2015) Toronto LJ (Online).
- Patrick Meyer, "Law Firm
Legal Research Requirements and the Legal
Academy: Beyond Carnegie" (2014) 35
Whittier L Rev 419 (HeinOnline
- Patricia Morgan, "Stop Me If
You've Heard this Before: Transitions in
Teaching Legal Research" (Sept/Oct 2014) 19 AALL Spectrum 21.
- Bryan Garner, "Stop Before
You Hit Send: Why It's Crucial to Report Your
Research Intelligibly" (September 2014) 2014 ABA Journal 24.
- Paul Figley, "Teaching Rule
Synthesis with Real Cases" (2011) 61 J Legal
Educ 245 (here).
- Nancy Johnson, "Should You
Use a Textbook to Teach Legal Research?" (2011)
103 Law Libr J 415 (HeinOnline version).
- David Armond & Shawn
Nevers, "The Practitioners' Council: Connecting
Legal Research Instruction and Current Legal
Research Practice" (2011) 103 Law Libr J 575 (HeinOnline
- Dennis Kim-Prieto, "The Road
Not Yet Taken: How Law Student Information
Literacy Standards Address Identified Issues in
Legal Research Education and Training" (2011)
103 Law Libr J 605 (HeinOnline
- Sarah Valentine, "Legal
Research as a Fundamental Skill: A Lifeboat for
St.udents and Law Schools" (2010) 39 U Balt L
Rev 173 (HeinOnline
- John Eaton, "Teaching Legal
Research in Canadian Law Schools: Are We Meeting
the Needs of the Profession?" (2010) 10 Leg Info
Man 98.
- Michael Slinger & Rebecca
Slinger, "The Law Librarian's Role in the
Scholarly Enterprise: Historical Development of
the Librarian/Research Partnership in American
Law Schools" (2010) 39 J Law & Educ 387 (HeinOnline
- Agustin Parise, "The 13 Steps
of Successful Academic Legal Research" (2010) 38
Int'l J Legal Info 1 (HeinOnline
- Volume 28: Legal
Reference Services Quarterly: Special
- Barbara Bintliff, "Legal
Research: MacCrate's 'Fundamental Lawyering
Skill' Missing in Action" (2009) 28 Legal Ref
Serv Q 1 (available
here by subscription).
- Michael Chiorazzi &
Shaun Esposito, "Commentaries on Hicks'
'Teaching Legal Bibliography' (with an
addendum by Robert Berring)" (2009) 28 Legal
Ref Serv Q 9 (available
here by subscription).
- Paul Callister, "Thinking
Like a Research Expert: Schemata for Teaching
Complex Problem-Solving Skills" (2009) 28
Legal Ref Serv Q 31 (available
here by subscription).
- Robert Berring &
Kathleen Vanden Heuvel, "Teaching Advanced
Legal Research: Philosophy and Context" (2009)
28 Legal Ref Serv Q 53 (available
here by subscription).
- Kris Gilliland, "A
Motivational Perspective on First-Year Legal
Research Instruction" (2009) 28 Legal Ref Serv
Q 63 (available
here by subscription).
- Nancy Johnson, "Best
Practices: What First-Year Law Students Should
Learn in a Legal Research Class" (2009) 28
Legal Ref Serv Q 77 (available
here by subscription).
- Christopher Knott, "On
Teaching Advanced Legal Research" (2009) 28
Legal Ref Serv Q 101 (available
here by subscription).
- Mary Rumsey, "The Skills
They Need: International and Foreign Legal
Research" (2009) 28 Legal Ref Serv Q 133
here by subscription).
- Victoria Trotta & Beth
DiFelice, "State-Specific Legal Research
Instruction: Curricular Stepchild or Core
Competency?" (2009) 28 Legal Ref Serv Q 151
here by subscription).
- Allen Moye, "Best Practices
in Teaching Legal Research Tubs, Buckets, and
a Variety of Lumber: Developing a Strategic
Approach to Legal Research" (2009) 28 Legal
Ref Serv Q 181 (available
here by subscription).
- Simon Canick, "Assessment
and Technique Legal Research Assessment"
(2009) 28 Legal Ref Serv Q 201 (available
here by subscription.
- Susan Phillips, "'Like
Sands Through the Hourglass ... ' How to
Develop a Good Legal Research Problem" (2009)
28 Legal Ref Serv Q 219 (available
here by subscription).
- Susan Herrick & Sara
Kelley Burriesci, "Teaching Legal Research
Online" (2009) 28 Legal Ref Serv Q 239
here by subscription).
- Richard Leiter,
"Certification and Bar Exam Teaching Who Gets
to Be the Expert? Legal Research Skills
Certification in Legal Education" (2009) 28
Legal Ref Serv Q 271 (available
here by subscription).
- Steven Barkan et al,
"Testing for Research Competency on the Bar
Exam: The Next Steps" (2009) 28 Legal Ref Serv
Q 281 (available
here by subscription).
- Jill Brooks, "Great
Expectations: New Associates' Research Skills
from Law School to Law Firm" (2009) 28 Legal
Ref Serv Q 291 (available
here by subscription).
- Duncan Alford, "The
Development of the Skills Curriculum in Law
Schools: Lessons for Directors of Academic Law
Libraries" (2009) 28 Legal Ref Serv Q 301
here by subscription).
- Sabrina Sondhi, "Should We
Care If the Case Digest Disappears? A
Retrospective Analysis and the Future of Legal
Research Instruction" (2008) 27 Legal Reference
Serv Q 263 (online
here by subscription).
- Nolan Wright, "Standing at
the Gates: A New Law Librarian Wonders About the
Future Role of the Profession in Legal Research
Education" (2008) 27 Legal Reference Serv Q 305
here by subscription).
- Nancy McCormack & Michael
Silverstein, "Is Taxonomy Dead? Some
Observations on Teaching and Learning How to do
Legal Research in Canada at the Start of the
21st Century" (2007) Can Legal Educ Ann Rev 145.
- Natasha McLeod, "Designing a
Legal Research Course for Graduate Students:
Notes from a Recent Grad" (2007) 32 Can L Libr
Rev 217 (HeinOnline
- Diane Murley, "Innovative
Instructional Methods" (2007) 26 Legal Reference
Serv Q 171 (online
here by subscription).
Set out below is a
list of selected LRW associations and blogs:
This section sets
out a relatively arbitrary, selected set of
resources on teaching legal research and writing
(and on teaching more generally):
Legal Research Instruction
Teaching Millennials
- Marjorie Crawford, "Bridging
the Gap Between Legal Education and Practice
Changes to the Way Legal Research is Taught to a
New Generation of Students" (April 2008) 12 AALL Spectrum 10.
- Ian Gallacher, "'Forty-Two:'
A Hitchhikers Guide to Teaching Legal Research
to the Google Generation" (2006) 39 Akron Law
Review 151 (HeinOnline
Adult Learning
- Linda Anderson,
"Incorporating Adult Learning Theory into Law
School Classrooms: Small Steps Leading to Large
Results" (2006) 5 Appalachian Law Journal 127 (HeinOnline
- Paul Ferber, "Adult Learning
Theory and Simulations – Designing Simulations
to Educate Lawyers" (2002) 9 Clinical L Rev 417
- Fran Quigley, "Seizing the
Disorienting Moment: Adult Learning Theory and
the Teaching of Social Justice in Law School
Clinics" (1995) 2 Clinical L Rev 37 (HeinOnline
Teaching Software /

Research and Writing:
4th Edition
by Ted Tjaden
Softcover 512
Published: January 2016
Paperback: 978-1-55221-414-5
e-book: 978-1-55221-415-2
Irwin Law: Canadian
Online Legal Dictionary (click here)