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About Ted Tjaden
Readers should
consult Chapter 12 of my book for more detailed
commentary on legal writing.
There is not very
much freely available online material on legal
writing. However, I do recommend the following sites
or freely available articles:
- Cheryl Stephens, Plain
Language Legal Writing (CBA):
- Clarity
(An International Association Promoting Plain
Legal Language)
Aside from that, some of my favourite
print materials on legal writing are listed below (links
below for each title are to the websites of the
publisher or to Amazon, where available):
Books on legal writing or style more generally:
- Dick, Robert. Legal Drafting
in Plain Language, 3rd ed. (Toronto, ON:
Carswell, 1995).
- Perrin, Timothy. Better
Writing for Lawyers. (Toronto: Law Society
of Upper Canada, 1990).
Books on contract drafting:
Books on written advocacy
- Bullen & Leake &
Jacob's Canadian Precedents of Pleadings,
3rd ed. (Toronto: Carswell, 2017. Available from
the publisher's website in PDF: Table
of Contents, Index.
- Harris, David et al, eds.
"Chapter 2: Pleadings" in BC
Civil Trial Handbook, 3rd ed.
Loose-leaf. (Vancouver, BC: Continuing Legal
Education Society of British Columbia, 2005).
- How Do You Plead? Breaking
the Bonds of Boilerplate. (Toronto, ON:
Department of Continuing Legal Education, Law
Society of Upper Canada, 1994).
- Van Kessel, Robert & Edwin
Upenieks. "Appendix A: Charts of Causes of Action,
Defences and Their Legal Elements" in Dispositions Without
Trial, 3rd ed. (Toronto, ON:
LexisNexis Canada, 2019).
Recent selected articles on
written advocacy
- Christopher Rusnak, "Effective
Legal Writing" in How to Be a Great Litigation
Junior 2019 (Vancouver: CLEBC, 2019).
- Stephen Grant, "Form and
Function: The Beauty of the Factum" (2016) 35:3 Adv Soc J 3.
- Daniella Murynka, "Write Less,
Win More" (2016) 46 Adv Q 77.
- Adam Lamparello & Charles
MacLean, "Beyond the Rules: Creating Great
Writers: Not Just Legal Writers" (2014) 39:1 Can L Libr Rev 23.

Research and Writing:
4th Edition
by Ted Tjaden
Softcover 512
Published: January 2016
Paperback: 978-1-55221-414-5
e-book: 978-1-55221-415-2
Purchase here
Irwin Law: Canadian
Online Legal Dictionary (click here)